
ADSENS Technology Inc.是美国著名压力开关制造商,成立于1991年,是一个主要流体动力行业的供应商。自成立以每年后给客户提供有竞争力的解决方案。产品范围从气压/液压消音器、过滤器、塑料管件、阀门、磁传感器、压力开关,采用最先进的加工工艺用最先进的质量标准生产的。主要产品包括:AdSens精密压力开关、ADSENS磁传感器、ADSENS圆形连接器、Adsens接头、Adsens消声器等。

Adsens Technology Inc is an industrial automation company based out of 18310 Bedford Cir, La Puente, CA, United States.Established in 1991, Adsens is a premier source provider for the fluid power industries. With relentless dedication to Research and Development, Adsens is proud to introduce improved, competitive solutions to our customers year after year since its inception. As demand for our products grow, so has our global customer base. Our everlasting commitment towards customer satisfaction and product development and innovation has led to and continues to bring endless opportunities and versatility to our customers here in the U.S. Our product offerings range from pneumatic/ hydraulic Mufflers, Filters, plastic tube Fittings, Valves, Magnetic Sensors and Pressure Switches.

